
Peer Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary English Bi-Monthly

Started in 2012, Jamshedpur Research Review is RNI approved(RNI ( JHA/ENG/2013/53159), Multi-Disciplinary, peer reviewed, referred, English bi-monthly Research Journal, owned by Gyanjyoti Educational & Research Foundation (Regd) 62, Block No- 3, Shastrinagar, Kadma, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. JRR, A Journal with a difference devoted to the study and promotion of social and economic development of the people of India in general and Jharkhand in particular through research and publication..

Gyanjyoti Educational & Research Foundation

Gyan Jyoti Educational and Research Foundation (Regd.) was established on 2 June, 2011. It has now completed almost 8 years of its existence. One of the goals of Gyan Jyoti Educational and Research Foundation was to bring out a Research Journal titled “Jamshedpur Research Review” (JRR- ISSN:2320-2750, RNI: JHA/ENG/2013/53159) in the context of reconstruction and transformation of marginalized population of the country. The justification of the publication of ‘Jamshedpur Research Review’ through GJERF is further concerned with an aim to provide to young professionals, academicians, social activists and policy–makers to improve their research and decision making skill and to provide them a platform to showcase their outstanding research works to the world give their contribution in social- economic development of people of Jharkhand in particular and entire country in general. The materials thus, used in this Journal may be valuable to the academicians, management professionals, researchers, social activists, NGOs and government of Jharkhand & other state governments seeking solution to social problems of their own predicament in the different geographical area.

Objectives of Gyanjyoti Educational & Research Foundation.

The objective of the Gyanjyoti Educational and research foundation is multi-fold. But two of our most focused works are (i) to assist young researchers of Jharkhand to conduct research studies independently. For that we provide them 3 month special training on research methodology and detail training of SPSS to the tribal students (ii) to document and publish the baseline realities after a good deal of field work. The idea behind these objectives is to offer a platform to the academicians, field workers, students and social activists at large for sharing their views on research, planning and programmes which is very much lacking at the higher education level of Jharkhand. However, the specific objective of the Gyanjyoti Educational and Research Foundation is (a) publications of academic Journal (b) and organizing research methodology training workshops for academicians, research scholars and social activists in Kolhan region of Jharkhand